Middle School
The middle school years are a time of rapid intellectual, social, and physical development. Our faculty deliver a broad and inspiring programme designed to meet the specific needs of this age group. We aim to develop students to their full potential and equip them with essential socio-emotional, academic, and behavioural skills for high school and beyond.
At ISH, we take pride in fostering an international community where everyone is respected, regardless of culture, nationality, or beliefs. We celebrate diversity and encourage understanding, not fear, of differences. We value open communication with parents and see them as active partners in their children’s development and our school community.
We support a range of abilities and needs through individualised programmes and innovative teaching methods. Our goal is to challenge each student appropriately, helping them learn to think critically and apply their knowledge in ways that benefit our community and the world. Guided by the MYP framework (outlined below), our passionate teachers strive to nurture lifelong learners who are resilient, empathetic, critical thinkers, and active global citizens.
Student well-being is at the heart of our approach, which is why we focus heavily on pastoral care. Each student meets with their Advisor daily and attends a 45-minute session with them each week for further guidance.
We invite you to explore our website to learn more about our supportive community and holistic approach to education. If you're in Copenhagen, we’d love to welcome you in person and show you around.
We look forward to welcoming new families to ISH Middle School.
The IB Middle Years Programe (MYP) at ISH
The International School of Hellerup has been an authorised IB Middle Years Programme (MYP) school since April 2015. The MYP spans 5 years and is designed to prepare students for the IB Diploma Programme. At ISH, students complete the first 4 years of the MYP in middle school at our Hellerup Campus. To ensure a smooth transition to the IB Diploma Programme, students spend their MYP 5 year at our high school campus in Østerbro.
We are inspected annually by the Danish Ministry of Education and evaluated by the International Baccalaureate Organisation every five years to maintain our accreditation.
Discover more about the IB Middle Years Programme in this video.
Why Offer the MYP?
Research shows that students participating in the MYP:
- Build confidence in managing their own learning.
- Learn by doing, connecting the classroom to the wider world.
- Outperform non-IB students in critical academic skills.
- Consistently achieve greater success in IB Diploma Programme examinations.
- Thrive in positive school cultures where they are engaged and motivated to excel.
- Develop an understanding of global challenges and a commitment to act as responsible citizens.
Source: International Baccalaureate Organization (n.d.) What is the MYP? (Accessed: 10/09/2024).
Understanding the MYP
IB Learner Profile
At its core, the IB aims to develop learners who embody the following traits:
- Inquirers
- Knowledgeable
- Thinkers
- Communicators
- Principled
- Open-minded
- Caring
- Risk-takers
- Balanced
- Reflective
You can read the full descriptors of the IB Learner Profile here and learn more about the IB Learner Profile in this video.
Approaches to Learning (ATL)
ATL skills help students learn how to learn by developing skills for research, critical and creative thinking, communication, collaboration, and self-management. Learn more with the Learn more with the MYP ATL skills overview for students.
Approaches to Teaching
At ISH, we implement a Universal Design for Learning, recognising that we do not teach subjects; rather, we teach students through subjects. All MYP teachers also contribute to developing students’ proficiency in the language of instruction
In the classroom, our focus is not only on content but also on the impact our choices and the learning environment have on students. We strive to create rigorous, inspiring, and safe learning experiences. Through our teaching approaches, students realise they belong, they can learn, and they can contribute to creating a better, more peaceful world. Learn more about Learn more about Universal Design for Learning (UDL).
Key and Related Concepts
MYP teaching and learning is concept-based, allowing students to explore big ideas that matter and develop a deep understanding of subjects. This approach ensures long-lasting, meaningful learning. Learn more with the MYP unit planning: Conceptual understanding overview.
Global Contexts
Global contexts help students see the relevance and importance of their studies by connecting them to our shared humanity and our guardianship of the planet. Learn more with the MYP unit planning: Global contexts overview.
Students are encouraged to take action by actively engaging in learning experiences and taking responsibility for their personal growth and development. Find out more about Active Learning.
Service as Action
The MYP encourages students to extend their learning beyond the classroom. Service as Action encourages students to engage in activities that positively impact the lives of others and the environment. Learn more with the MYP: Service as action overview for students.
MYP 5 Personal Project and MYP 4 Community Project
During MYP 4, students consolidate their knowledge and understanding of the programme by completing the Community Project. This prepares them for the MYP 5 Personal Project, which is externally evaluated by the IB.
The Personal Project is a requirement of the IB and contributes to the successful completion of the MYP. It is an inspiring culminating project where students consolidate the learning they have gained throughout the 5-year programme. This long-term project is designed as an independent learning experience, requiring approximately 25 hours of work outside the classroom. Students explore a personal interest, set learning goals, and work towards creating a product. They have full autonomy in choosing their project path and are supported by supervisors throughout the process.
The Personal Project formally assesses students' Approaches to Learning (ATL) skills, including self-management, research, communication, critical and creative thinking, and collaboration. It encourages students to practise and strengthen these skills, connect classroom learning to personal experiences, and develop their own interests for lifelong learning.
Ultimately, the MYP Personal Project serves as one of the final MYP assessments and is excellent preparation for the IB Diploma Programme.
Teaching and Learning
At ISH, courses are offered in eight subject groups. Each subject name below is linked to its respective MYP subject brief, which provides a comprehensive overview of the curriculum, learning objectives, key concepts, assessment criteria, and skills development for that subject:
- Arts (Visual Art and Music)
- Design
- Individuals and Societies
- Language & Literature
- Language Acquisition (English, Danish, and other World Languages, including Spanish and French)
- Mathematics (Standard and Extended pathways are offered in MYP 4 and 5)
- Physical and Health Education
- Sciences
Each subject includes 3 to 5 units of learning, depending on the length and depth of the unit. Each unit consists of both formative and summative learning engagements. Students demonstrate their understanding through various formats—projects, videos, illustrations, written or oral texts, and more—and receive a range of feedback throughout these learning experiences.
To ensure that students thrive in this rigorous programme, we place special emphasis on student well-being. We strive to promote the well-being of all students. For us, "well-being" means that:
- Our students are satisfied with their school lives.
- They feel safe at school, both physically and psychologically.
- They have a strong sense of belonging to the school community.
- They believe that what they do at school provides them with purpose and meaning.
You can read more about well-being at ISH on this page.
Advisory Programme
Advisory classes consist of approximately 25 students and run for 15 minutes at the beginning of each day, with an extended one-hour session once a week on Mondays. Advisors teach social-emotional skills, help students develop academic skills, and create space for student voice, choice, and agency to be expressed. Advisory teachers act as a liaison between parents, students, and other teachers, and are the first point of contact regarding student well-being.
Abenaa Uttenthal
Middle School Principal and IB Coordinator for MYP